Friday, April 10, 2015

Bun in the oven

I loved being pregnant. I felt so great throughout my pregnancy; so great I didn't ACTUALLY believe I was pregnant until we had an ultrasound and saw the babes and heard the heartbeat for the first time. There is nothing in the world like hearing that sound for the first time. The most beautiful sound in the world!  

The 1st trimester I wanted nothing to do with anything healthy. Dan was on a roasted vegetables kick and I wanted to VOM every time I entered the kitchen. All I wanted to eat were carbs...specifically spaghetti & meatballs. Like, homemade spag and MBs. And garlic bread, obviously, to dunk in the spaghetti sauce. I remember craving it at work one day and went to Macy's Skyroom because I couldn't think of anywhere else that would have it. Well, Macy's didn't either. The only pasta that sounded somewhat decent on the menu board was bolognese. I asked the lady if someone in the back could whip up some spaghetti and meatballs for me and she looked at me like I was crazy. Of course they couldn't! It would be on the menu if they had it! I swear to God I had tears in my eyes. I wanted to cry - the only thing that sounded good was spaghetti & meatballs. Why was the world depriving me and my unborn child to the one thing I wanted? So I got bolognese and asked for extra sauce and extra bread followed by "sorry to be like this but I'm pregnant and I really need it"  SERIOUSLY? If I had a camera crew following me around while I was pregnant a) I don't think Dan would be married to me still and b) I don't think I would have any friends. Once I ate as many carbs as I possibly could for the first several weeks I wanted to eat fruit like it was going out of style.That was one of the many reasons I loved being pregnant the time of year I was. Let me list them out:

1) Getting pregnant in January is awesome because it's cold here. And dark at 5pm. I found it totally acceptable to go to bed no later than 8pm every night for three months. People hibernate in these parts so I didn't fear I was missing out on anything by being in my cozies and on the couch every night.
2) Having a babes mid-October allowed me to be my "most" pregnant post-hot summer months so I didn't have to deal with being 40 weeks pregnant in the heat.
3) Fruit is in season! By the time I actually wanted to eat something remotely healthy fruit was all I could think of and it was everywhere and wasn't crazy expensive. Strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, pineapple, mango and watermelon. YUMMMMM. 
4) I birthed a baby just in time for the two biggest holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas) to enjoy a drink or two!  Oh, I also did all of my Christmas shopping online at 3am while I was pumping. That saved a ton of time!
5) October is a fantastic birthday month! It's early in the school year so Miles will be "old" for his grade (just like his mama). My absolute favorite time of year is early-mid October to enjoy the beautiful fall colors and foliage! 

The other week I told Dan I wish I would have taken weekly pics of my growing belly and wrote updates on how I was feeling each week. He reminded me that wouldn't have worked because I was sleeping all the time. Case in point:
Reading material after our 8-week appointment.

Some side belly shots for your viewing pleasure (some are out of order):

14 weeks
17 weeks
Mother's Day 2014 (17 weeks)

19 weeks (day we found out we were having a BOY!)
19 weeks

23 weeks
22 weeks
20 weeks (babymoon in Charleston, SC)
22 weeks (work trip St.Regis Monarch Bay)

22 weeks (work trip St.Regis Monarch Bay)
30 weeks

31 weeks with all my other prego friends: Jenna, Ashley and Stacy.

37 weeks

37 weeks
38 weeks

Day before my due date!  I went to a prenatal yoga class followed by a walk around Lake of the Isles. This baby needed to come out. STAT.

38 weeks - baby's first concert was Spoon

My birthday! 40 weeks. My water broke later that night at 9pm
Don't act like you didn't want to see a side view

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