Thursday, May 28, 2015

Miles 7-months

Our little dude is on the move. He can't sit still now that he's able to move around on his own. Miles started scooting forward the day he turned 7-months old. He can go from his tummy or back to sitting up on his own. He is interested in exploring vs. listening to me sing songs or sit in his bouncy chair. If we pick him up and put him near the jumperoo he will immediately lock his legs -- a sign to us that he has no interest in being in anything constraining. He can clap and wave -- but doesn't understand that waving is for hello or goodbye. He will just catch a glimpse of himself in the mirror and start waving. I was excited to brag that my little baby made it 7 whole months without getting pink eye or an ear infection (those daycare centers are basically a germ pool)...except a couple days before turning 7 months old we got a call from daycare saying he probably has pink eye and needs to be checked out. It turned out he not only had pink eye but also an ear infection! We would have never known was good to get him checked out because then I get a few minutes with the doctor to ask all my other silly questions that I forgot to ask during his last well check.

We have been lucky in this department. I guess that's the one benefit of formula vs. nursing...I can control the amount he is getting and know that he is getting what he needs to continue to grow.  Since 6-months old he hasn't needed to eat during the middle of the night and he pretty much sleeps 7pm-6:30/7am every night with very few wake ups in between. He will go an entire week without making a peep. Other weeks either Dan or I will need to go in and pick him up (naughty!) and rock him back to sleep (even naughtier!). 

We introduced yogurt and eggs. He loved yogurt but didn't really care for eggs. We had a Thai chicken pasta salad the other night so I gave him a half inch of a noodle with peanut sauce on it and he didn't breakout or anything so that's good! It's so crazy how things change so drastically every couple of years. I was telling Bri and Joe how our pediatrician recommended we introduce high allergen foods sooner than later (i.e. in the next couple of months) and they thought it was crazy --- especially peanut butter. 

Miles LOVES scooting around these days and checking out his new point of view of the world. He likes to snuggle with his Lovey when he goes to sleep at night. He still loves facing out in the Ergo carrier when we go on walks or when I need to get stuff done around the house. He is in the stage where he just wants to be held all the time. We think separation anxiety will approach very quickly.  His cousins Audrey and Jack sent him the Baby Beluga book and he loves when I sing it to him. Miles is my little water baby. He loves bathtime. Dan will undress him and and bring him to the bathroom in his diaper and he just knows what's about to go down. We always say if it were up to Miles, he would sit in the blue tub for hours playing with his toys.

His top two teeth poked through right at 7 months. I love seeing his gummy smile when he laughs -- and now that he has a few teeth it's even cuter!

7 months old!

Dan took this picture when we dropped off Miles at daycare. It was "crazy hair" day! Miles obviously couldn't participate. So many mohawks from the other little boys.

Playing with his tooth brush. Taking after his mama :)

Little boy.

Going on a walk

Having fun with cousins.

Not having fun with cousins.

Getting in to tupperware at Mimi's house.

Monday, May 11, 2015

My first Mother's Day

We had such a fun weekend as a family! We celebrated Dan's birthday on Friday with presents and snuggles. Dan had the day off of work so he went golfing with Joe and some friends. Kathy and Joe came over for a BBQ and the weather was perfect! Not too hot and NO MOSQUITOES!  
Dan and Miles 5/8/15

Dan joked that it wasn't just Mother's was Mother's Day weekend so he was going to make sure I had the best "first Mother's Day" possible. Saturday morning I got up with Miles. I fed him and played. We played so "hard" he took an earlier nap than usual so I went back to bed and got some extra zzzz's.  Dan made me breakfast in bed: blueberry pancakes and coffee. It was so nice to lay in bed and relax for a few minutes. On Sunday Dan got up with Miles while I laid in bed for a half hour. Why only a half hour, you ask? Because I didn't want to miss out on any of the fun! We had Kathy and Joe over for brunch and then went to Callie's for dinner to celebrate my mom with the rest of the family.  In between the gatherings Dan and I were able to take a little snooze -- this never happens! All in all it was a wonderful first Mother's Day.  

I often come across sappy blog posts or articles written by new moms. Honestly, the amount of tears I've shed the last 6+ months due to reading an article written by a total stranger is embarrassing. I read this and I just melted....sums up my thoughts perfectly but written much more eloquently:

I am beyond grateful to be Miles' mom. He is truly the best baby I could have hoped for. I honestly feel like my purpose in life is to be a mom and I'm living out my dream come true. Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day 5/10/15