Monday, May 11, 2015

My first Mother's Day

We had such a fun weekend as a family! We celebrated Dan's birthday on Friday with presents and snuggles. Dan had the day off of work so he went golfing with Joe and some friends. Kathy and Joe came over for a BBQ and the weather was perfect! Not too hot and NO MOSQUITOES!  
Dan and Miles 5/8/15

Dan joked that it wasn't just Mother's was Mother's Day weekend so he was going to make sure I had the best "first Mother's Day" possible. Saturday morning I got up with Miles. I fed him and played. We played so "hard" he took an earlier nap than usual so I went back to bed and got some extra zzzz's.  Dan made me breakfast in bed: blueberry pancakes and coffee. It was so nice to lay in bed and relax for a few minutes. On Sunday Dan got up with Miles while I laid in bed for a half hour. Why only a half hour, you ask? Because I didn't want to miss out on any of the fun! We had Kathy and Joe over for brunch and then went to Callie's for dinner to celebrate my mom with the rest of the family.  In between the gatherings Dan and I were able to take a little snooze -- this never happens! All in all it was a wonderful first Mother's Day.  

I often come across sappy blog posts or articles written by new moms. Honestly, the amount of tears I've shed the last 6+ months due to reading an article written by a total stranger is embarrassing. I read this and I just melted....sums up my thoughts perfectly but written much more eloquently:

I am beyond grateful to be Miles' mom. He is truly the best baby I could have hoped for. I honestly feel like my purpose in life is to be a mom and I'm living out my dream come true. Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day 5/10/15

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