Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Miles 6-months

6-month stats:
Weight: 16.10lbs (30%)
Height: 26.5 in (49%)
Head: 43.2cm (31%)

I can't believe how much Miles is changing every single week, no, DAY at this point! It seems like he does a new "trick" each and every day. He has been rocking back and forth on all fours for about three weeks now. He is happy as a clam scooting around in a circle observing the world around him. He can scoot back but I don't think he's doing it on purpose just yet. He's really in to spitting bubbles and making noises with his mouth right now. The last few mornings when I go in to his room after he wakes up he will just start spitting and making boooo noises. Honestly, 7am is my favorite part of my day, hands down. He is just so happy to be awake and get to play with mama and dad!  The three of us are really in to playing in our bed as of late. Miles loves having the sheet over his body and playing peek-a-boo (well, we just say "boo" but you know what I mean). The weather is finally nice enough to go on walks after work so we have been doing that. I put Miles in the carrier and he just loves exploring our neighborhood and seeing all the puppies and people bustling around.

Bubsy/Bubs (not letting go of that anytime soon)
Boo boo
Sweet pea

The other day when Dan and I were walking to our car after work I asked him "Boo, did you miss Boo Boo so much today?" My nicknames are OOC. I rarely ever call Dan "Dan". Although I have been using Daniel a lot more recently. 

We've been experimenting with food lately. We've done carrots, avocado, green beans, butternut squash and sweet potatoes. I'm scared to death of him choking. I am contemplating just feeding him pureed food for the next five years. Thoughts?

Mister at 6-months

Me at 6-months!

Red, fluffy hair in the bath

Enjoying the swing at Gramma & Grampa's

Master's Sunday!

Playing in bed before bed.

My sister asked me if this was a scoop neck, 3/4 length shirt

Playing in our backyard.

Going on a walk with Mimi and Poppy

It was hot out.
Hanging with Nolan (and JJ)

old man grin, hanging with dad


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