Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Miles 2-months old

Two month stats:
Weight: 11.2 lbs (37%)
Height: 22.5 inches (35%)
Head:39.9 cm (49%)

Typical Miles face

Starting to get the hang of this smiling thing

"Don't worry 'bout it"

Making the "Miles Face" with Dad.

"My hair color matches the blanket"

Reading "That's Not My Puppy"

Hanging with Mimi!

Merry Christmas!

This whole "being cute" thing is exhausting.

Grampa, Audrey, Jack, Mark, Dad, Bubs

Day before my last day of maternity leave :( 

Last day of maternity leave (wahhhh!)

Photoshoot by the tree

Stop growing up so fast!

Another photoshoot. Another high-pony day.

Honestly. Cutest little nuggaboo in the world.

First time with Santa

Dad is always taking pictures (thank goodness)

Mirocha Christmas card 2014

"Christmas morning. You better believe Santa came to my house."

Audrey and Jack (8.5 months) and Miles (2.5 months).

Deep thoughts.

Typical Miles

Didn't love tummy time but started to get the hang of it here.


We have so many pics of this expression

Soooo big!

Saturday morning chats

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