Thursday, April 9, 2015

Miles Magoo

Oh my goodness. Where do I even start? Miles has stolen my heart from the moment I found out I was pregnant and that love has continued to grow more and more every single day. Honestly, I don't understand how it's possible! He is the apple of my eye. My little nuggaboo. He will be 6 months old next week -- where has the time gone? One time I caught myself thinking "I can't wait until he is able to walk".  I stopped doing that when I realized how quickly my sweet pea was growing.  Lately it seems like he's doing something new everyday!  I'm just enjoying every moment with him -- as he is -- each day.

Favorite things:
  • Sitting all by himself
  • Jumping in the Jumperoo
  • Talking...especially to himself in the middle of the night
  • Loves when I sing songs to him (and gramma too)
  • Chewing on anything and everything
  • I would say reading books but that's a lie. He likes to EAT books while I read them to him. We have this chewable book that I let him chomp on about two months ago and ever since he thinks he can put all books in his mouth. 
  • Peek-a-boo
  • Rolling over from his back to tummy. All. The. Time. He loves being on his tummy now! 
  • Smiling and showing off his bottom two teeth

Current nicknames:

  • Bubsy
  • Bubs
  • Miles Magoo
  • Boo boo
The only time I call him Miles to his face is in the morning when I go in to his room to get him out of his crib: {in a soft voice} "Good morning, Miles" and then it's pretty much Bubsy or Bubs for the rest of the day. If he ever has an identity crisis we will know who to blame.

He has two bottom teeth (the first one poked through when he turned 4-months) and I think his top two will come in soon, like the next month or so. My mom told me my first tooth came in on my 4-month birthday and Dan's first tooth came in at 5.5 months.

His orange. More like orangish-reddish depending on the light and what he's wearing that day. So far his daycare teachers and pediatrician have asked us where the red comes from (besides our family and friends). I have NO IDEA. My nephew, Jack (Dan's brother, Mark's son) had red hair when he was born and now it's brown so there's hope. Miles also has blue eyes...what the heck? I swear Dan's the father!  They say it takes up to a year for babies eyes to turn their permanent color. Dan has the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen. They are big and dark and his eyelashes...oh, his eyelashes. Women pay big bucks to have eyelashes like my hubs. Miles definitely has the big eyes and long lashes so at least he has that going for him!  

Miles is the cutest baby ever. His smile is infectious and melts my heart. His eyes light up and he is, for the most part, a very happy baby. He's very chill...I do not know where he got that from; clearly from his dad! 

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