Friday, April 24, 2015

Florida fun!

In early February, our family of three took our first vacation together to visit Kathy and Joe in Florida. We went for a full week of sunshine and quality time with Miles' Gramma and Grampa. I had Dunkin' Donuts almost every day and Dan got to golf with Joe three times -- it was perfect!  Miles was so good on the plane ride and was such a flirt with the flight attendants. He even got sit in the cockpit and play co-pilot for a minute! Kathy made incredible food while we were there -- it was nice to have so many home-cooked meals on a consistent basis!  We went to the beach one day and I think it took us longer to pack for the adventure than the amount of time we were actually there - totally worth it though! The Florida air does wonders for babies and sickness. Miles had a cold since Christmas and during his week in Florida he was a healthy little boy!  It didn't last too long once we got home and the "daycare drip" kicked in but it was wonderful while it lasted. Dan and I were able to go on a couple dates while Miles was spoiled by G&G. We can't wait to go back next year!

Co-pilot Miles Magoo

Dad loves his Go-Pro --- first time swimming!

This little boy LOVES the water

At the beach!

Family pic

Beach Baby

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