Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Portland fun

Last August Dan and I had the opportunity to spend ten days in Portland with his brother Mark, wife Lydia, and their adorable twin babies, Jack & Audrey.  Kathy and Joe were there, too! The babies were 3.5 months at the time. It was so fun to see M&L as parents. It was GREAT practice for Dan and I (for obvious reasons). We went on walks, cooked a ton of great food, went to fantastic restaurants and I ate a lot of ice cream. I think I had ice cream 8 of the 10 days!  Lydia and I went to a couple barre classes and did some window shopping. The guys went to Bandon Dunes for 4 days while Kathy, Lydia and I stayed home with the babies. I loved waking up early in the morning and snuggling with the babies, drinking (decaf) coffee and watching the Today Show. It made me so excited for maternity leave!  It was such a special trip for me. It was our last vacation before we became parents and I feel so blessed to have spent such quality time with our growing family. We only get to see M&L (and the babies) about twice a year so we have to soak up every minute with them while we can!  In September we are all renting a cabin in Brainerd and staying together for 5 days. What a difference a year makes. For all we know, Miles might be walking at that time and J&A will be chasing everyone!  

Day trip to Cannon Beach

Audrey & Jack!!

Audrey LOVED dancing with her uncle Dan

She's wrapped around his finger.

Photo op with our two favorite cuties

Shhhh. Jack is sleeping.

All day. Every day. I wouldn't have had it any other way!

Note to self: don't wear stripes when 31 weeks pregnant

Jack giving his little cousin good ju-ju vibes

Obviously, there was golfing.

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