Thursday, April 9, 2015

Two pink lines

We found out I was pregnant Superbowl weekend 2014 (Feb 1 to be exact). I remember that weekend perfectly. Dan and I had been binge watching Breaking Bad since our mini-moon in Bluefin Bay. Yes, we got pregnant 7 weeks after we got married. Anyways, we got home from work and Dan asked me if I wanted to drink beer or open a bottle of wine while we watch BB in our cozies. I told him I had a weird feeling about potentially being pregnant so before I decided on what alcoholic bevy I would enjoy I was going to take a pregnancy test. There was a VERY light pink line. So light that Dan said it was basically invisible so he handed me a beer. Honestly, I was kinda freaking out internally. Could it happen so soon? We went about our night like nothing had happened. I threw away the test in the bathroom garbage and a few hours later that night I went back to look at it -- the line was darker. Could it be? I went to bed feeling anxious (more than normal) and told myself I would just take another one in the morning. I woke up early on Saturday because I was meeting a friend for yoga. I was scrambling to get ready and out the door on time --- I took the test right before I left for the studio and the pink line was definitely there. Not even a question...I panicked!  I didn't want to wake up Dan (he's not a morning person) so I put it in a Ziploc bag and left it on the kitchen counter. SO ROMANTIC, right? Sidenote: hot yoga is a no-no for pregnant ladies. I didn't really know that until I Googled "hot yoga while pregnant" at some point that weekend. Ooops!  So I came home from yoga and Dan met me at the front door. I'll never forget what he asked me: "So is there a baby growing inside you?" I think Dan was in denial at first. I had one more pregnancy test lying around the house and it was a digital one. I took it that afternoon and the word "Pregnant" appeared. I knew at that moment it was for real. The pink lines are so wishy-washy! Sunday we went to my sister, Bri's, to see her boys and we told her and Joe. They were so happy for us! Bri teared up right away. The following weekend we had my parents come over to help with a house project (total LIE!) and I bought me and my mom's favorite cake from YUM Bakery. I had them write "Baby Mirocha coming October 2014".  When they came over they sat on the couch and we small talked for a few minutes and then I told my mom I had a piece of Patty Cake in the fridge and asked if she wanted a few bites. Obviously, I knew what her answer was going to be. I brought it out to them and they were so confused at first when they read it...and then overjoyed!  We told Dan's parents the following day and had them over for dinner. We were all sitting in the living room and Kathy asked us what we were doing for Valentine's Day and Dan replied "I don't know yet...but it will be the last Valentine's Day just the two of us so it will have to be extra special".  The look on Kathy and Joe's face was priceless -- I don't think they picked up on it at that exact moment. They knew we wanted to have a baby in a year or so, so yes, potentially this could be our last V-day just the two of us. We told them we were pregnant and they both had tears in their eyes!  I think Joe high-fived us :) Mark and Lydia were due with twins in a few months so I think they were just over the moon and so grateful to be retiring and have THREE grand-babies. We FaceTimed with Mark & Lydia and shared our news with them. Callie and Nick were on vacation and out of the country so we told them on the way to my grandmothers funeral a few days later.

Patty Cake from YUM Bakery!

Little babes! 9-week ultrasound

The night we told my parents the news my Grandma suffered a heart attack. Mom and Dad drove to Iowa late that evening and were with her when she passed away a couple days later. My mom told my grandma we were pregnant while she was unconscious but stable in the hospital. I know she heard her. It breaks my heart to think I never got to tell her myself. She would have said "Oh my garsh!!" Garsh=gosh. It makes me very sad that she never got to meet Miles. She would have LOVED all of the funny faces he makes. My grandma of course loved her ten grandkids...but the love she had for her great-grandkids was unmeasurable. She would light up when she got to see and hold them. She loved to give them kisses on the cheeks and tell them how silly they were. I often prayed to my Grandma throughout my pregnancy; asking her to be my angel and to keep me and the baby healthy. I guess she was listening.

Dan's grandmother, Audrey, is also very special to me. She died several years ago so I never had the chance to meet her but I have heard so many lovely stories about her. When Dan and I were up at Blue Fin Bay for our mini-moon after the wedding he gave me a necklace with Audrey's diamond and a note that said "Hopefully you can pass down this necklace to our little girl one day." It was the sweetest gift I've ever received. I wore it to every doctor's appointment I had and had it next to me in the delivery room. I don't consider myself a superstitious person but I think it helped me have confidence that everything would be okay throughout my pregnancy.  

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