Thursday, July 23, 2015

Miles 9-months

9-month stats:
Weight: 18lbs 15oz (25%)
Height: 28 inches (42%)
Head: 45 1/2 cm (57%)

Our little PEANUT is 9-months old and on the move. Literally, he will not sit still. Miles wants to explore everything in front of him. We were lucky enough to have Mark, Lydia, Jack and Audrey (15 months) in town for awhile.  It was so enjoyable watching the cousins interact with one another.  Jack and Audrey are walking and babbling - they are so sweet (and calm). I can't believe how big J&A are getting - we last saw them in early January. What a difference six months makes!  We are all going to Brainerd at the end of September so will get to see them much sooner than we typically would. 

Favorites: Dan. Miles loves his DA-DA. He is the favorite right now, that's for sure. Dan leaves for the Boundary Waters today for four days so my goal is to wear Miles and hold him all the time so he won't want to leave my arms when Dan returns. Muwahahahha (evil laugh).  Miles also likes looking at pictures of our family. He gets the biggest smile when we point to "Mama, Dada, Miles".  He likes walking with toys (pushing his firetruck, for example).

Nicknames: Magoo, Bubs, Buggaboo, Buggy (what the heck? Where do I come up with these?). Booboo.

Food: Miles is pretty much rejecting purees at this point. He loves chunks of baked sweet potato, berries, watermelon and anything he can feed himself. He does not like meat. We made tacos one night and I gave him unseasoned ground chicken. He just wiped it all over his tray (i.e. ended up on the floor). We have given him pieces of grilled (seasoned) chicken and he wants nothing to do with it. If he could just eat fruit all day I think he would. 

Teeth: 4 on top, 2 on the bottom. He has been chewing on his finger toward the back of his mouth so maybe a molar is coming in.

Miles provides so much entertainment for us! We just laugh at everything he does. We love watching him develop and grow -- he just amazes me every single day.

Celebrating Gramma's 61st birthday

Family pic

Meal time was pure entertainment

Miles loves his corn on the cob

Naked baby

Wagon ride

Family hike at Minnehaha Creek

'nother wagon ride

Cutest little nugg I've ever seen

Zoo day with Gramma, Grampa, Lydia, Jack & Audrey!

Looking at the fish

My fearless little boy getting up close to the bear


Friday, July 10, 2015


One night this week when we picked up Miles from daycare, one of his teachers said there was an incident that day and that he needed to make us aware of what happened. Apparently Miles "sunk his teeth in to one of his friends".  There was a written report we had to acknowledge and sign. I hope this isn't a sign of Miles Magoo: The Troublemaker. Dan has been affectionately calling bubs "Dracula". This morning when I dropped him off the other babies were about to eat breakfast and there was one spot open at the table so his teacher washed his hands, strapped him in and put a bib on him. I'm filling out his form and I hear "Miles, those aren't yours. You have to wait your turn." I turned around and I see my little gingy grabbing his friend, Arthur's, raspberries!  He's not even 9-months old so I'm sure this is totally normal and fine (and funny) at this point. I hope my sweet angel doesn't turn in to a naughty boy!!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Miles 7.5-8.5 months old

I'm a total slacker. I admit it. 

Miles started for real crawling at 7.5 months. He is FAST and wants to explore anything he can get in to.  I'm so tired lately -- in bed by 9pm for sure...

Since I slacked writing updates the last month and a half here is where he is at with everything today (8.5 month updates): 

Food: I LOVE our daycare. He is eating so many things at school (BLTs, crackers & guac, risotto with mushroom, enchiladas, fresh fruit and veggies) so it's making our confidence as new parents a little better when we feed him at home. I'm so scared of choking!  We were at my parents a couple weekends ago and JJ ate an entire strawberry and choked -- Joe grabbed him and came to the rescue but oh heart stopped for a split second then wouldn't slow down for a few minutes. It was one of the scariest things I've ever encountered. Anyways, Miles, like his DA-DA, loves food.  We went to Kathy and Joe's for a BBQ on the 4th of July and for dinner he had:
  • A pouch
  • A jar 
  • Black beans
  • Couscous
  • Guac
  • Blueberries
  • Joe's famous ribs
  • Grilled corn (we gave him half of my almost eaten husk for him to gnaw on)
It's crazy to see how much he can eat!  Every time we put him in his high chair he just bounces in his seat and his arms go wild because he knows what's about to happen. I bought a ton of organic produce the other weekend and made baby food for 3.5 hours one Saturday afternoon. It felt great after but honeslty it didn't make as much as I had hoped -- and probably wasn't that much cheaper!  I think he will start to grow out of purees very soon so I doubt I will make any more. I have found sweet potatoes make the most for what you get. Broccoli...the least amount.  I think a huge stalk of it made four 2oz containers which is basically two meals.
Teeth:Top four teeth came in right at 7-7.5 months. We think he might have two more up there now but haven't confirmed because he will not sit still for us to look. Still only has his two bottom teeth - they are so cute and little compared to his top ones.

Sleep: Honestly, we struck a gold mine with this little one. He is sleeping by 6:30pm every night (sometimes even earlier) and wakes up around 6:30am.  Most nights we do not have to go in to his room whatsoever; other nights we might need to put his paci back in but that's it. We do not pick him up really ever anymore to rock him (such a naughty habit).  People always say you can't get lucky with all your kids being good sleepers so I'm sure Baby #2 will be up all hours of the night and only able to sleep in our arms, etc...I will cherish every (sleeping) moment I have with Miles Magoo.  I realize it isn't really typical for him to sleep through the night 12+ hours as early as he did (around 5.5 months). I'll thank the Gods now while I'm well rested ;)

Words: He says MA-MA and DA-DA...but he doesn't knows that Dan and I are in fact mama and dada. He just says them a lot but not to the right person :)   

He is pulling himself up on everything and will walk if he is holding on to any toy with wheels (like his firetruck, below).  He will take a couple steps around furniture but hasn't stood still unassisted yet. We have moved the baby blue bath tub in to storage and currently use a laundry basket. I think we will need to get rid of that soon though...although he just wants to stand up when in the tub and it makes me nervous he will slip and fall!  Kathy says Miles is just like Dan when he was that age. On weekends I am extra tired just chasing him around -- he can't sit still. He just wants to move and play with a different toy every few minutes (not even!).

So for some reason he thinks when we say "Peee-ew" or "Stinky" it's the funniest thing in the world. He will automatically smile and start giggling --- so naturally, whenever we want to take a pic of him we wave our hand in front of our nose and say "oooooh stinky" and he just lights up. I'd say 99% of the below pics we are saying that!

First wagon ride!

Hot weather calls for a tank top

Bugaboo before heading to daycare

Watching DA-DA play softball!

Started standing up in his crib.

Sweetest angel face I've ever seen

Loves his fire truck from Gramma

Friday happy hour
8-months old!
First pool day at Mimi and Poppy's

Dan at 8 months, Miles at 8 months

Water babes

In his happy place


Miles made this tie for DA-DA at school for Father's Day!

Family pic

Staying cool in the heat

Pool day with cousins

water table fun!

Bubs loves the berries

More pool fun

So happy in the water

Hike with dad