Thursday, August 20, 2015

Miles 10-months

Miles Magoo has been keeping us entertained the last few weeks (as always). He is exhausting though! He is such a busy little boy...he can't sit still for more than a minute, I swear. He's constantly crawling to a different toy or walking with the assistance of his fire truck or walker toy. He is climbing our stairs and giving me a panic attack every time. Miles has been making several different sounds the last few weeks -- a new one every few days. It's so enjoyable watching him learn new skills and copy what Dan and I do. We will make a noise and he will try to mimic it. I was shaking my head the other night while dancing and he started shaking his head and smiled so big. 

I got together with the mom's from my Amma Mama group earlier this week and we made baby food and it was SO MUCH FUN. I brought home a ton to freeze (eight 2oz., four 4oz and three larger containers). We made stir fry with mixed veggies and chicken, Shepherd's Pie with cauliflower puree, ground turkey with bay, carrots & peas with gravy, a fruit salad and mixed cooked beans with fresh herbs. I love my mom's group because all our babies are within a few weeks of one another so we are all pretty much going through the same thing together. It's a great outlet to discuss what's happening and ask questions.
 He's been going down around 6:15/6:30pm and sleeping through the night; waking around 6:30am. He is officially down to two naps a day, usually going down around 9:30-ish and 1:30-ish.  Naps are very inconsistent when it comes to the duration.  They are either 50 minutes or an hour or a half.

Miles has four teeth on the bottom and four on the top. He is one drool-y little nugg and constantly gnawing on everything. Dracula is back: he got his second "incident report" yesterday at daycare for biting another child. Tsk, tsk. Dan thought it would be funny to tell his mom if Miles gets written up one more time he will be kicked out. He loves messing with Kathy - I just don't know if Kathy finds it very funny :)  
We are still doing a pouch pretty much every night at dinner in addition to other foods such as cheese, crackers, fruit, leftovers of what Dan and I ate the night before. I don't feel as guilty giving him a pouch at night because he eats so much variety for breakfast and lunch at daycare - but they are expensive!  Miles is all boy when it comes to food and will eat anything you put in front of him. Some times he will sit in his high chair for nearly an hour continuously eating (especially at Mimi & Poppy's or Gramma & Grampa's). He LOVES watermelon and all berries. 

He is standing by himself (not holding on to anything) for a second or two. He can shift himself by taking a step, toy to toy, but hasn't taken steps without the assistance of a toy or furniture. I've been sitting in front of him reaching my fingers out for him to grab and walk towards me but he hasn't done that yet. Maybe next month!

Bubs is 10-months old! Time is going by too fast.

Orange tank, orange shorts, orange hair

This smile - gets me every time

Corn on the cob at Gramma & Grampa's


Practicing layups with Dad

Little daredevil in his Sturgis shirt


Shooting hoops with the big kids

My baby

First wedding as a family

Loves to walk with his walking toy


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