Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Miles - 14 months

What a month we've had!  Miles is "talking" so much the last month. What amazes me the most is how smart toddlers are at this age -- much smarter than we think they are or give them credit.  He nods his head yes or shakes it no when we ask him questions. "Do you want to go downstairs and play?"  "Do you want to read this book?"  After dinner when it's bath time we'll say "It's time for bath!" and he'll drop whatever he's doing and 'run' to the bathroom. He knows where his belly, nose and eyes are and can tell you what a lion and cow say. He understands when he want to go down stairs he needs to go on his belly and slide down. He can consistently blow kisses and somewhat enjoys brushing his teeth after bath while we get him in his jammies. This is obviously a huge win because everyone who knows me well knows how important dental hygiene is to me! Miles is obsessed with books (finally!).  He loves sitting in our laps and pointing and "talking" to each page. He's not much of a cuddle bug so I love reading books with him. We visited Santa this year and it was everything I had hoped it would be -- Miles enjoyed walking through Santa's toy land and he HATED Santa and we got the most epic photo to cherish forever (see below).

Sleep: Bug has officially transitioned to one nap a day in the last month or so. He usually goes down around noon and will sleep for 1-2 hours (less if he's at school and more when he's at home). He goes down every night around 6pm and wakes up around 7:30am.  

Food: We are DONE with bottles!!! WOOHOO! This is by far one of the top five milestones of Miles' life (walking, crawling, eating solids, rolling over are the other four in my opinion). The clean, clutter-less (for the most part) counter-top is so amazing!  Makes me feel like our kitchen is twice as big. Miles' current favorite foods are still bananas, waffles, PB&J, veggie patty's and Mimi's beans. It's hit or miss with avocado, sweet potato, zucchini and carrots. Oh, and mac & cheese. Lord help me, I hope he learns to like M&C and other pastas or we're screwed. Luckily he gets a wide variety of foods at his school so I don't feel AS guilty giving him roughly the same things every night.

Words: mama, dada, puppy (he sounds French and over-emphasizes the EE sound (pup-EEEE), car, truck, tractor, please (sounds like peas and it's the cutest sound you've ever heard), duck, ball, papa and hi. He LOVES saying hi. The other morning when he woke up he said "hiiiii" in his crib before we even went in to his room. He says "uh-oh" ALL the time and he makes the cutest little O with his mouth and over-exaggerates the sound. My heart melts just thinking of it.

Enjoying breakfast at Mimi and Poppy's

Go Vikes!

After Thanksgiving dinner...bug was ready to go to bed but wanted to cuddle with Grampa

Enjoying his first donut
Loves stacking cups.
Fun in the tub.
Getting in to cutting boards and the toaster cord.
This pic was taken in November. That's how warm it's been!
AHH. This face!
Sweetie bug not impressed with Santa
All smiles with Daddy
Belly and Little Blue Truck
Zonked out after the zoo with Daddy, Ryan and Max

Christmas tree and corduroy overalls. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Miles 13 months

Miles was a puppy for Halloween - his favorite thing in the world!  He has officially said his first real world (besides mama and dada): PUPPY!  It is SO CUTE when he says it. For a few weeks he would say "pup" but the last two weeks he has started to say PUPPY all the time. In fact, last weekend our family took a little field trip to Home Depot and Costco and there was a Petsmart in the area so we decided to go inside to see if owners had their dogs in store with them. Boy, did they ever! Miles was in awe for a solid five minutes -- that's all the time he needed.  

Miles had a pretty sick month. He had bronchiolitis and had to be put on a nebulizer for a week which was AWFUL. He hated it. He had a fever for 5 or 6 days in a row so was out of daycare. Luckily, gramma was able to help out!  

Teeth: I don't know - a lot? He has his molars and is constantly drooling so I assume the rest of 'em are popping up left and right.

Favorites: Puppies, trucks, tractors and his golf clubs.

Sleep: Still generally taking two naps a day. At daycare he sometimes will take one and on those days he's easily sleeping between 5:30-6pm.


Mom and baby playdate!  Miles (12 months), AnnMarie (12 months), Maddyn (9 months), Madeline (13 months), Lydia (10 months), Ryan (4 months)

Rub-a-dub-dub, sunglasses in the tub!

Rocking his Adidas sweatsuit from Uncle Mark

Sick bubs

Farmer bubs

Living on the edge - do you see how he sits on his firetruck?

Unseasonably warm November!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

One year old!

12 month stats:Weight: 20.15oz (19%)
Height: 29 1/2 inches (35%)
Head: 57%  

I'm a couple weeks late but better late than never; especially for Miles' big milestone of turning ONE!  Miles Magoo is continuing to be a busy little boy. He started walking for good right at 11 months or so. He is on the move and loves exploring on this new 'level'. He currently loves fire trucks, trucks and puppies. He lovesssss his daddy. When we pick him up at daycare he always goes to Dan. Like, he will look at me and smile but then see Dan and get super excited and literally walk past me like I'm chopped liver and go to Dan. WHEN WILL THIS CHANGE?!  He all of the sudden started to enjoy reading books. He will almost make it through a book without pushing it aside or getting distracted with something else. He still loves Baby Beluga but he got a trucks book for his birthday and a zoo animal one that makes sounds so he loves those now, too. He understands simple commands or questions. For example if we say "Miles, let's go take a bath" he will walk to the bathroom. "Miles, where's your firetruck?" He will walk over to his firetruck. "Miles, where's the Baby Beluga book?" and he will go to the stack of books and pull out the Baby Beluga book and bring it over to me, sit on my lap and start bouncing his little body when I start to sing. He can do simple sign language to communicate more and all done. He's basically a genius. ;)

Bug bug got his one-year molars last week. It. Was. Awful. It lasted less than 72 hours but those were the longest days ever. 

He is still taking two naps a day but there have been a few days where he has refused one of his naps. I really want him to take two naps for as long as possible! We had conferences earlier this week at this school and they let us know he will be transitioning to one nap a day starting at 16 months.  Uuufda! He's still going down around 6:15pm and waking anytime between 6:30-7am. #thankful

He can kinda say puppy. He says mama and dada and babble A LOT.  He loves bananas so will say a long "bannn" when he points to a banana.

Boat ride with the family in Brainerd. Miles got to be the Captain with Grampa!

The Big Kids in Brainerd - this was pre-margaritas. Thankfully I don't have a "post" pic.

Gramma with her babies.

Being silly at Rafferty's Pizza

Taking a break while shopping

More slam dunks with Dad
Bug in his wagon

Happy hour during our nightly walks!

Family pic at the apple orchard

Poppy built this leaf fort. Miles could care less.

This looks staged but it wasn't!

Playing in the laundry basket

Making Poppy proud. Little helper!


Me and my baby on his first birthday!
Mimi made the most perfect cake

Face smash

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Miles 11-months

Miles had a VERY busy month. He had a HUGE milestone and took his first steps at 10 months - 1 week. He's been walking more often over the last month and it's so fun to see. I feel so proud and smile ear to ear each time I see him take steps. 

Teeth: nine or ten (four on the top, five or six on the bottom)

Food: Miles loves beans and pork. If he could eat pulled pork or pork tenderloin for the rest of his life I think he would. My mom makes this bean concoction in a crockpot that Miles will devour. It's several types of canned beans plus bacon, a little bit of brown sugar and maybe some ketchup (??). I do not like beans but Miles LOVES them. He is still obsessed with fruit. I recently introduced him to mac n' cheese and he, naturally, fell in love with the cheesy, noodle-y deliciousness (as anyone should).

Sleep: There were a few nights he was being a bad-ass and staying up til 6:30pm but is usually down between 6-6:15pm. He has been sleeping like a champ (waking between 6:45am - 7:15am). This make for a very happy mama (and dada). Naps are getting better at home. He goes down great (drowsy but awake) and takes longer naps on the weekend but really short ones at daycare. Yesterday he took a fifteen minute nap and a forty minute nap. What the heck?

Favorites: He loves going in to the laundry room and storage room where Dan's golf clubs are. His absolute favorite thing right now is being outside, watching the airplanes fly over the house and pointing at everything. He also likes to turn light switches on and off.

11-months young
Big smile (orange hair + orange top)

Loves being outside

Playing hoops with JJ and Nolan

My dad built this go-cart

Such a proud Poppy!

Pink bathroom tile, orange hair, blue laundry basket.

Radio Flyer ride!

Loves Mimi's beans

Helping Grampa cut the grass.

Such a big nugg!

My Amma Mama group - celebrating our babies' first birthday!

Bath time with Jack and Audrey