Thursday, November 19, 2015

Miles 13 months

Miles was a puppy for Halloween - his favorite thing in the world!  He has officially said his first real world (besides mama and dada): PUPPY!  It is SO CUTE when he says it. For a few weeks he would say "pup" but the last two weeks he has started to say PUPPY all the time. In fact, last weekend our family took a little field trip to Home Depot and Costco and there was a Petsmart in the area so we decided to go inside to see if owners had their dogs in store with them. Boy, did they ever! Miles was in awe for a solid five minutes -- that's all the time he needed.  

Miles had a pretty sick month. He had bronchiolitis and had to be put on a nebulizer for a week which was AWFUL. He hated it. He had a fever for 5 or 6 days in a row so was out of daycare. Luckily, gramma was able to help out!  

Teeth: I don't know - a lot? He has his molars and is constantly drooling so I assume the rest of 'em are popping up left and right.

Favorites: Puppies, trucks, tractors and his golf clubs.

Sleep: Still generally taking two naps a day. At daycare he sometimes will take one and on those days he's easily sleeping between 5:30-6pm.


Mom and baby playdate!  Miles (12 months), AnnMarie (12 months), Maddyn (9 months), Madeline (13 months), Lydia (10 months), Ryan (4 months)

Rub-a-dub-dub, sunglasses in the tub!

Rocking his Adidas sweatsuit from Uncle Mark

Sick bubs

Farmer bubs

Living on the edge - do you see how he sits on his firetruck?

Unseasonably warm November!

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