Wednesday, November 4, 2015

One year old!

12 month stats:Weight: 20.15oz (19%)
Height: 29 1/2 inches (35%)
Head: 57%  

I'm a couple weeks late but better late than never; especially for Miles' big milestone of turning ONE!  Miles Magoo is continuing to be a busy little boy. He started walking for good right at 11 months or so. He is on the move and loves exploring on this new 'level'. He currently loves fire trucks, trucks and puppies. He lovesssss his daddy. When we pick him up at daycare he always goes to Dan. Like, he will look at me and smile but then see Dan and get super excited and literally walk past me like I'm chopped liver and go to Dan. WHEN WILL THIS CHANGE?!  He all of the sudden started to enjoy reading books. He will almost make it through a book without pushing it aside or getting distracted with something else. He still loves Baby Beluga but he got a trucks book for his birthday and a zoo animal one that makes sounds so he loves those now, too. He understands simple commands or questions. For example if we say "Miles, let's go take a bath" he will walk to the bathroom. "Miles, where's your firetruck?" He will walk over to his firetruck. "Miles, where's the Baby Beluga book?" and he will go to the stack of books and pull out the Baby Beluga book and bring it over to me, sit on my lap and start bouncing his little body when I start to sing. He can do simple sign language to communicate more and all done. He's basically a genius. ;)

Bug bug got his one-year molars last week. It. Was. Awful. It lasted less than 72 hours but those were the longest days ever. 

He is still taking two naps a day but there have been a few days where he has refused one of his naps. I really want him to take two naps for as long as possible! We had conferences earlier this week at this school and they let us know he will be transitioning to one nap a day starting at 16 months.  Uuufda! He's still going down around 6:15pm and waking anytime between 6:30-7am. #thankful

He can kinda say puppy. He says mama and dada and babble A LOT.  He loves bananas so will say a long "bannn" when he points to a banana.

Boat ride with the family in Brainerd. Miles got to be the Captain with Grampa!

The Big Kids in Brainerd - this was pre-margaritas. Thankfully I don't have a "post" pic.

Gramma with her babies.

Being silly at Rafferty's Pizza

Taking a break while shopping

More slam dunks with Dad
Bug in his wagon

Happy hour during our nightly walks!

Family pic at the apple orchard

Poppy built this leaf fort. Miles could care less.

This looks staged but it wasn't!

Playing in the laundry basket

Making Poppy proud. Little helper!


Me and my baby on his first birthday!
Mimi made the most perfect cake

Face smash

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