Thursday, January 21, 2016

Miles 15-months

15-month stats:
Weight: 22lbs 12oz (24%)
Height: 30 1/14" (23%)
Head: 47cm (44%)

Christmas came and went all too quickly this year. Mark, Lydia, Jack and Audrey came home for five days and we got to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with them. It is so fun to watch Miles and his cousins interact with each other!  The toddlers all got haircuts from Kathy and Joe's neighbor. It was Miles' first haircut and he did great -- he looks like such a big boy now!  We were able to get outside and go sledding together on Christmas Eve. The kids didn't love it at first but I think it grew on them....sorta. We spent Christmas day at my mom and dad's. Callie and Nick brought their (devil) dog, Louis, so Miles of course loved that! Miles just loves trying to do whatever JJ and Nolan do. He loves "tackling" them and climbing on them. Dan and I were both home the week after Christmas and we kept Miles in school all those days except one when we took him to the Children's Museum. The other days Dan and I got to hang out just the two of us and go out for lunch a few times and just have some good ol' quality time together. I also got to lay on the couch and take naps during the day which was incredible :)  

Miles continues to "talk" and jibber-jabber a ton. When he wants to go to the basement he will say "golf club" because that's where his golf club is. The other night I was putting him down and he had his lovey in one hand and a golf ball in the other. Dead serious. His big milestone this past month was learning to eat with a spoon and fork.
  Bug has been sleeping like a rockstar at night; usually from 6:15pm-7:30am. He takes one nap around noon/1pm and sleeps for maybe an hour at school but on weekends when he's home with us he sleeps 1.5-2 hours. Mama and daddy like to nap during that time, too.

Santa visiting all the kids on Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

Sledding with Mark, Lydia, Jack, Audrey, Gramma and Grampa

My handy dad made Miles this sensory board

Fun at the Children's Museum

Miles' first golf book

Sledding with Dad

Gramma in her happy place

Miles in his happy place

Bugs first haircut!

Giving Santa a high-five

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