Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Baby girl AKA Lemon!

Dan and I found out we were pregnant two days before Christmas. I took a pregnancy test 5 or 6 days before my missed period but I just had a feeling I was pregnant. I wanted to take it before Christmas because Mark and Lydia were in town and if the test was positive, it would be fun to share our exciting news in person with them!  If it was negative then Lydia and I could go to hot yoga and I could drink wine at all the holiday festivities we had going on with our families. I took the test while Dan was out running an errand and when I read the word "Pregnant" on the digital test I remember my face got really hot and turned bright red. I think I said out loud to myself "oh shit, oh shit, oh shit".  Taking a step back, maybe 2 weeks prior to this Dan and I had a serious conversation about when to start trying for baby #2 and we decided to wait a few more months so we could soak up as much Miles time as we possibly could. I had no idea how Dan would react when I shared the news.  We were exchanging Christmas gifts later that day so I wrapped up the pregnancy test and at the end of gift opening I had Miles give Dan the last present. When he opened it, he was very confused at first. In fact, if I recall he asked "what is this?".  I told him I took it a couple hours ago and then he just kept saying "are you serious!? Are you serious? Wait. Are you serious?".  He asked if I had taken several tests and I said nope, just the he advised I take another one just to be sure. Long story short I took four tests that day. Two came back positive. Two came back negative. We decided to keep this to ourselves and just wait until the day I was supposed to get my period to take another test in order to get a more conclusive result. A few days later (2 days before my missed period) I took another test without telling Dan and it came back positive. I just knew I had a little nugg inside me!  I told Dan and we were so excited!  Scared and VERY surprised. But excited.

I refer to this sweet baby as Lemon because I have been craving everything lemon with this pregnancy. We were able to find out the sex at 11 weeks because technology is crazy and by a simple blood draw from me, results were able to conclude she does not carry any of the serious genetic disorders AND that she's a SHE!  I also had a feeling I was carrying a girl...this pregnancy, at least the 1st trimester, was very different than my pregnancy with Miles Magoo. I was so nauseous from about 11am until I went to bed every day. Nothing sounded good to eat except naughty cards like bagels, pizza and pasta. At 13 weeks its as though a switch turned on and I immediately had more energy and had an appetite. What a relief!  

Callie and Nick also found out they are having a girl (due 19 days after me) so it's been really fun experiencing my pregnancy at the same time with Callie. After her two miscarriages I just knew God had a plan for us to be pregnant at the same time. She does copy me on everything I do after all :)

I can't wait to meet Lemon and see Miles interact with her. He loves babies and he will kiss my tummy when we ask if he will give baby sissy a kiss. I love the idea of having a big brother to protect the little sister so in theory everything worked out as I had hoped but then I look back to my high school years and some of my girlfriends had older brothers and we would always want to hang out at their houses because older boys would be there!  Oh no! What are we in for?!

20 week ultrasound. She's doing a fist pump!  Gonna be a dancer just like her mama.

Surprised Mimi and Poppy with a pink onesie -- their FIRST granddaughter!

22 weeks

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