Friday, June 3, 2016

Miles 19-20 months

Miles is in full "I only want Dada mode" and it's killing me. KILLING ME. Yes, I'm that heartbroken over it that I need to use all caps as though I'm shouting. Last weekend when he woke up from his nap I went in to his room to pick him up and he goes "No, Mama. Go. You go. Go, Mama." I asked him "You want me to go? You want me to leave you here in your crib?" and he happily replied back "Yeah. Dada".  This morning I was sitting on our bench getting ready to put his shoes on and he WHINED in the most toddler-esque way "Noooooo!  No way. Dada." inferring he wanted me to get up and have Dan sit on the bench to help him. Dan and I typically trade off putting Miles down every other night (consists of reading a couple books, turning off the light and singing a song or telling a story). The last two weeks Miles has requested Dan read him books. 

Miles has pooped in the potty two times at school so I figured it's time to get a potty for our house for him to practice in. It was so sweet - after the first time he pooped in the potty his teacher called me to tell me!  Whenever I get a call from daycare I assume He loves sitting on the potty. 

Lately Miles has been obsessed with hoppy's (bunnies). We have a family that frequents our backyard regularly so you'll often find Miles standing by the backdoor yelling "Hoppy! Hoppy!" There's a sweet, little baby bunny we sometimes see.

We leave for Portland tomorrow for 10 days --- super pumped! We can't wait to see Miles interact with Jack and Audrey.  We're renting a house in Bend for the last lag of our trip so we'll be able to get outside and do some exploring. More pics to follow after the trip.

I'm almost 27 weeks pregnant with Lemon. This pregnancy has flown by compared to the first time around. I haven't even thought about decorating the nursery or moving Miles to the back bedroom. As of now we're just moving the navy rug to the back bedroom where Miles will sleep and I'll get a more feminine rug or just plain gray. We're going to get a double mattress to put on the floor for now in Miles' new room and will deal with furniture and other things (toys, etc) later on. In my head we'll let him adjust to his new bed and room for a month or two before putting anything else in there that could distract him. Let's see if we follow through on this!

This was my favorite moment in the last month. I took Miles with me to Target one morning and he zonked out on the car ride home (less than 5 minutes from our house) and he was sooooo sleepy that I just held him for a selfish cuddle session. We had to wake him up shortly after in order to not throw off his entire day but it was JUST THE BEST!!!

Vehicle Day in New Brighton. Miles got to go on an actual *gasp* school bus!

Papa and Miles on the fire truck

Big green tractor

Dan is SUPER excited about being inside a firetruck.

Calling his territory before baby Lemon comes

Me pregnant with Lemon (25 weeks) on the left.  Me pregnant with Miles (17 weeks on the right. This photo was taken almost 2 years apart. How NEAT!?

Miles getting a hug from his big cousin, Nolan (aka No-no)

Nolan, Miles and JJ playing some hockey

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