Thursday, August 4, 2016

Portland vacation!

We were able to visit Mark, Lydia, Jack and Audrey (with Kathy and Joe!) for ten days in June. It was so enjoyable to watch Miles hangout with his cousins.  They hadn't seen each other since January so the change in all of them was incredible!  Miles loved watching J&A and we all noticed after our trip how much more Miles was talking and expanding his vocabulary after spending all that time with his older cousins. 

Sleep was pretty rough...not gonna lie. Every time Dan put him down for nap or bedtime Miles would cry and scream "My DADA" for a long period of time (total opposite of what he does at home). Luckily we (well, mainly me) were able to nap when Miles finally went down for his afternoon nap. 

We spent the first half of the trip staying at Mark and Lydia's home and the last half of the trip in Bend, OR at a beautiful house we rented on VRBO. Overall the trip was so fun!  We went to the Children's Museum, zoo and other 'field trips' like taking a city bus to get bagels and going to the river for a beach day.  The weather in Portland was HOT -- high 90s every day. When we got to Bend it was a cool low 70s which felt so nice considering I was 27/28 weeks pregnant!  

First night/morning in Portland.

At the Children's Museum

At the Children's Museum

At the Children's Museum

At the Children's Museum

Reading with Papa!

Watermelon and matching water bottles

Choo-choo ride at the Portland Zoo!

Taking the city bus to get bagels

Best buds in Bend

Family photo in Bend!

Very short bike ride around the cul-de-sac

Typical mealtime

Photoshoot - look at how CUTE he is!

Successful vacation in the books! Napping on the way home.

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